Outside Resources
- Graphic Organizers and Activities for Differentiated Instruction
in Reading by Nancy L. Witherell and Mary C. McMackin. (Grades
- Books found at six local libraries (and book sales):
- Joseph Bruchac novels (The Journey of Jesse Smoke, Skeleton Man,
Code Talker, The Dark Pond, Eagle Song, Whisper in the Dark) One
for each student - will vary depending on the number of students
in each group (approx. 5-6 copies of each book)
- Joseph Bruchac picture books (Fox Song, Crazy Horse's Vision,
Four Wishes, A Boy Called Slow, etc.)
- Other Bruchac novels for free reading
- Daily 6 Writing workbooks (students each have one)
- Smart board or projector (laptops)
- Chart paper and markers (use during mini-lessons)
- Sticky notes